User types

Last updated: 2024-04-23
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A user is a specific person working in the system under their username. They log in using their login credentials. There are three types of users in Aptien separated by their options in the system and the price of their license.

Office user

Office user is the common user that works with the full version of the system and can use it fully. These are usually employees with a computer working with company administration.

The administrator is an office user with the highest permission in the system. They can add new users, change their licenses, and access rights through roles. They can also add or edit Organizers and change the range of the system's license. The administrator can make someone else administrator by assigning the administrator role to them.

Intranet user

Intranet user is the type of user with access to the intranet, a light version of the system designed for ordinary employees to communicate with the company. All the employees usually use the intranet. The company does not pay for individual users but a package of users based on its size. 


Guest is the type of user designed for external people, usually a supplier or a customer. The environment guests work in is called extranet, and you can share documents, tasks, or other selected information with them.